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Accident and medication tracking for after school clubs

The parent-friendly first aid system for after school clubs.

Breakfast and afterschool clubs are a necessity for lots of working parents. Medical Tracker is an online accident book for before and after school club, helping to keep all medical, health and first aid information in one place

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Girl holding her afterschool club project

🎉 Trusted by 75,000+ staff in 2,500+ schools

Ken Stimpson Perins School King Hedges Education Federation Hailsham Community College The Cavendish School the avon valley school and performing arts college Denbigh School Furze Platt Senior School Chingford Foundation School Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy School 21 Isleworth and Syon School

Automatically inform parents of incidents

Parents are automatically notified of injury (and follow-up care given) with a personalised email from your wrap-around care club. 


Share health information with afterschool club staff

Staff can access shared information on a child's health, medication and injury history. Making health communication a priority in your afterschool club.  


Record medication administered before and afterschool time

Morning medication can often be given during breakfast club in primary schools. Club staff can record all statutorily required information on an online MAR sheet.

Playscheme leader holding her tablet..


Online pupil allergy tracker

You have lots of different children who attend your breakfast and afterschool club, so keeping track of pupils' allergies is essential. All pupil health information is accessible with one click.


Confidently share breakfast or snacks with children

Providing children with breakfast or after-school snacks is a part of your wrap-around provision. Confidently know all pupils' allergies with an up-to-date list. 


Quick filter search for child allergies

All staff can use the filter search to see a list of children with confirmed allergies. Giving staff confidence when preparing breakfast or afterschool club snacks.

Online allergy tracker.


Track and report all medical incidents

Move from ineffective paper-based accident books to spotting trends of injuries and accidents linked to afterschool club activities.


All staff have access to life-saving information

Permissions and visibilities of staff are managed by the account admin, allowing staff to have access to pupils' injury and health information (like medication dosage).


Be proactive about wraparound club danger spots

Using the location filter feature, danger hotspots can be identified, and proactive steps can be made to make your breakfast and afterschool club safer. 


Afterschool club manager sat at her desk.


Record all mental health concerns online

Record important mental health concerns for each pupil online, helping to build a bigger picture of mental health needs in pupils.


Notice patterns of behaviour in children

Noticing a pattern of unsettled behaviour when children are in breakfast or afterschool club? Record and track patterns of behaviour to help pinpoint the source.


Add to a bigger safeguarding picture for children

Before and afterschool clubs are often where children make safeguarding disclosures. Record concerns of mental health, injury and health incident to help build a bigger safeguarding picture. 

Play group manager looking at his laptop.


Let's explore why wrap-around care clubs love Medical Tracker


Access detailed health information easily

Have all afterschool club children's health, medication and well-being information at your fingertips. 

Link your afterschool club to the school MIS system

If your breakfast and afterschool club is linked to your primary school, the MIS system syncs all parent contacts and medical information every 24 hours.


Record detailed injury information

DfE first aid compliance requires certain information to be completed when recording a child's injury. Ensure consistency club-wide with mandatory drop-down boxes to record every incident accurately.



Medical Tracker Works across multiple devices

Help support school transition for SEND children

Help the transition from breakfast club to primary school for children with SEND by sharing administered medication and any before-school injury information (including mental health concerns).

Share information between morning club to school easily

If your wrap-around care club is part of your primary school, your staff can have access to a pupil's medical profile. Helping to share when medication has been administered between same-site breakfast clubs and schools. 


Personalised notification settings for afterschool club managers

Decide the first aid notifications you receive as wrap-around club leadership. You may want to be alerted of every incident or filter for accidents resulting in hospitalisation or serious risk.


create health and safety reports for your after school club.

Next steps

Contact our UK-based team to organise a demo and get a quote for your nurseries and childcare provisions.

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It helps me with our site manager and look at health and safety improvements. For example, In technology, the bulk of our injuries were eye injuries and it was through not wearing safety goggles. So we were able to locate what health and safety issues are happening in departments.
Judy Wilson
School Nurse, Kennet School
Parents receive instant notifications when incidents or medication administration are recorded. A full communication audit trail is saved. This helps parents feel that their child is well looked after at school- great for Ofsted!
Linda Hopper
Bursar,Bugbrooke Community Primary School
It's a really simple solution to a complex problem. I can't think why no one has come up with it before now. It’s also easy to get support and the system is being developed all the time.
Lynda Jackson
Senior Administrator & Finance Manager, Hawthorn Tree Primary School