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Accident book for schools

Never worry about staying legally compliant again. Medical Tracker’s online accident book covers all seven legal documents and guidance for schools to record and report incidents. Book a free demo to explore all time-saving features.

Screenshot of an accident book report

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University of Brighton Academies Trust Premier Education-1 Three Bridges Primary School North Star Community Trust Furze Platt Senior School Cognita Kingsbridge Educational Trust Fourfields Community Primary School Step Academy Trust Light Oaks Junior School Maritime Academy Trust Harris Federation Gildredge House Aquila Trust Southmead Primary School Cavendish Learning Trust Thornton Primary School King Hedges Education Federation-1 Harris Primary Academy Purley Way-1 The Howard Partnership Trust-1 Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy Lindfield Primary Academy

What is an accident book?

Schools with over 10 employees must legally use a paper-based or digital accident book to record and report school-related injuries and incidents. The accident book must comply with the latest approved format (GDPR 2018) for recording accident information.

Medical Tracker’s online accident book records and tracks your school’s health, safety, and first aid incidents, ensuring you stay legally compliant and have total visibility across the school.


Can an accident book be online?

Accident report books can be paper-based or online; the same GDPR requirements apply to both incident recording methods. There are benefits of using an online accident book:

  • GDPR principles are easier to implement
  • All incidents and injuries are visible
  • Consistency with important Health and saftey information
Screenshot of accident report book page on mobile devices

Is it illegal to not have an accident book?

Having an accident book to record and report injuries and incidents in schools is a legal requirement. Originating from the Social Security (claims and payments) Regulations (Reg. 25), all employers with over 10 staff members must use an accident book.

Several pieces of legislation and government guidance set out the requirements for accident report books (digital or paper):

  • Social Security (claims and payments) Regulations 1979
  • DfE First Aid guidance 
  • Health and Safety Executive 
  • General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018
  • RIDDOR 2013
  • Ofsted requirements (for EYFS)
  • The Education (Special Schools) Regulations 1994
Headteacher using online accident book software at her desk

“If you had a claim against the school in 15 years time, could you find the relevant accident slip?”

Michelle Jenkins

School Business Manager, Etwall Primary School.

Read the study


What must be recorded in an accident book?

It is not a legal requirement to record all injuries and first aid incidents in schools, but it is good practice to do so. EYFS settings have different recording requirements to schools; nurseries must record all first aid treatments given and notify Ofsted of serious injury, illness or incident.

There are 4 legally required parts to recording in a school accident book, find out more about what information the accident book should include.

Screenshot of accident report book page

What makes an accident book GDPR compliant?

The ultimate responsibility for health and safety provision lies with the employer (headteacher or CEO), but tasks may be delegated to suitably trained staff members. Following the GDPR principles when recording, storing and sharing medical information is a legal requirement for schools. For an accident book to be GDPR compliant, it must:

  • Stick to the data protection principles
  • Only allow information access when necessary
  • Keep accident and medical information safely stored
  • Keep the accident information for the required length of time

Find out more about guidelines schools must follow.

 School SLT smiling

Explore our spotlighted features

A school business manager holding inputting a first aid incident.

How safe is your first aid provision?

Do you know how many incidents are recorded daily across your school? Or when medication is due to expire? Paper-based accident books allow staff to record a first aid incident but lack the reliability and depth to know how safe your first aid provision is.

Medical Tracker’s online accident book allows teachers to input injury, near-miss incidents, medication administration and more in less than 60 seconds. Saving staff time, improving provision visibility and making your school safer.

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Unsure if a parent has seen an injury slip?

Our online accident book allows schools to track when parents have viewed an injury notification. Reduce teachers’ end-of-day workload of chasing parents to inform them of injuries or incidents with automated parent emails. Notify parents of medication administered and expiring medication easily online.

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A first aider sending an automated email to parents about injury


A MAT CEO checking an accident investigation status on her phone.


Are you prepared for a serious incident?

Should a serious accident happen, are you confident your current system is robust?

Access multiple witness statements, supporting evidence and attached risk assessments at any time with Medical Tracker. Ensure total consistency when it comes to recording pupil and staff health and safety. Accessible online even when working across several sites.

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