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Paperless health software for secondary schools

Online first aid software to record and track first aid, health and wellbeing.

Medical Tracker improves the first aid and health provision in secondary schools. All first aid incidents, medicine administration and tracking of pupil health and wellness are paperless using online software.

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 Medical tracker helping secondary schools track first aid incidents

🎉 Trusted by 75,000+ staff in 2,500+ schools

Ken Stimpson Perins School King Hedges Education Federation Hailsham Community College The Cavendish School the avon valley school and performing arts college Denbigh School Furze Platt Senior School Chingford Foundation School Lynch Hill Enterprise Academy School 21 Isleworth and Syon School

Let’s explore why Medical Tracker is loved by secondary schools


End-of-day tasks reduced by 80%

School nurses or first-aiders may find their time isn’t evenly spent between helping the pupils and completing the necessary admin that incidents bring with them. Recording an incident takes as little as 30 seconds to record all vital information, sending an automatic email to the parents to reduce end-of-day calls.


Share hotspots for injuries and incidents with all staff

Are you noticing a pattern of incidents in a specific location in your secondary school? Share important trends about hot spots for injuries and incidents across your school easily with easy-to-read injury reports and location category analysis features.


Complete an incident reports in 30 seconds

Your focus is to administer excellent health care to your pupils, using paper-based recording systems can detract from this care. Check out our 30-second challenge to input an injury report to see how it works in real time!

Reduce back-office staff workload with Medical Tracker


Medical conditions and allergies shared across staff

It is important all staff are aware of serious medical conditions and allergies across the school not just with the pupils they teach. The easy search feature with Medical Tracker allows each staff member with a log-in to find all known allergies, each one-page profile is easily identifiable with the pupil’s picture taken from the MIS.


Support ECTs and cover supervisors with SEND pupils

Early career teachers (ECTs) have many students they have to get to know in a short space of time as well as manage a form. Support both ECTs and cover supervisors to know all medical information easily with Medical Tracker.


Cost-effective online accident book for secondary schools

With an excess of 1000 pupils, managing first-aid, health and wellbeing across a secondary school can be challenging using paper-based methods. The cost of the paper used for notification slips alone is large. Medical Tracker has access to all pupils’ medical details and contact information immediately.


Share one page profile and EHCP information with Medical Tracker


Evaluate safety of outdoor sports activities

Sporting abilities differ considerably with secondary aged pupils, some may be a member multiple contact sports teams outside of school in comparison to those who only participate in school PE sessions. When reporting any incidents or near-misses, trends can be analysed to evaluate the risk involved with particular sports, seasons or year group outdoor activities.


Monitor Design Technology and Food Technology incidents and near-misses

In secondary school, pupils are finally able to have more independence with practical subjects like D&T, creating projects which require tools such as saws and chisels. Medical Tracker allows for analysis of near-miss incidents and injuries in location-specific areas, positively supporting risk assessments.


Senior staff alerted for serious incidents

Senior staff who are time-limited can be made aware of serious incidents that have resulted in a pupil seeking hospital support. By selecting only the serious incidents, the day-to-day trips and scrapes can be managed by middle leadership whilst those requiring witness statements can be flagged immediately.

Create reports on first aid injuries in school


Form teacher notified immediately of the incident

Any staff member can log an incident for any pupil in the school, and the pupil’s form teacher is immediately notified of any recorded injuries or incidents to continue their overall responsibility for the pupil.


Aware of head injuries or illness to monitor

When a pupil sustains a head injury, the parents are immediately informed of the course of care their child has received. These important communications are important for those pupils participating in contact sports outside school hours, building a larger community of care for the pupil.


staff monitor injuries in school with Medical Tracker


Paperless management software for secondary schools.

Standardise processes, data collection, and procedures within your secondary school.

Record mental health concerns of pupils

GCSE and A-Level exams cause stress for secondary school students, increasing levels of worry and impact mental health. Medical Tracker tracks first-aid and injuries as well as mental health concerns.


Highlight potential safeguarding concerns

Avoiding lessons and complaining of illness regularly can raise safeguarding concerns, and ensure these important patterns are tracked and can be acted upon quickly.


Record when an accident has been marked RIDDOR

Confidence from security

We go the extra mile to ensure data security, protection and encryption


Students & Staff Profiles


Incidents Logged


Daily Backups

ISO Accredited
ISO- 27001 accredited

Amazon AWS

UK-based data centres


GDPR compliant

Give new parents confidence their child is safe

Communication between parents and school regarding injuries and health incidents should be concise and informative, Medical Tracker incident records have non-negotiable sections staff members must fill in for each incident making communication consistent school-wide.


Standardise data and processes

With school-wide control from your account, you can ensure all data is standardised allowing comparative reports and processes. From email templates for communicating incidents with parents/carers to the drop-down options in ‘treatment administered’ for an injury, you are in control.



One page profile for allergies for schools

Next steps

Contact our UK-based team to organise a demo and get a quote for your Multi Academy Trust.

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It helps me with our site manager and look at health and safety improvements. For example, In technology, the bulk of our injuries were eye injuries and it was through not wearing safety goggles. So we were able to locate what health and safety issues are happening in departments.
Judy Wilson
School Nurse, Kennet School
Parents receive instant notifications when incidents or medication administration are recorded. A full communication audit trail is saved. This helps parents feel that their child is well looked after at school- great for Ofsted!
Linda Hopper
Bursar,Bugbrooke Community Primary School
It's a really simple solution to a complex problem. I can't think why no one has come up with it before now. It’s also easy to get support and the system is being developed all the time.
Lynda Jackson
Senior Administrator & Finance Manager, Hawthorn Tree Primary School