Prevent infectious disease outbreaks in your school
Highlight patterns of specific infections
Monitor each recorded infectious disease case easily online. When a child’s infectious disease is recorded using Medical Tracker, the number of incidents can be easily filtered. Helping to prevent further contamination across the school.
Track children who are sent home for diarrhoea and vomiting
D and V bugs can affect whole year groups in a short space of time, especially EYFS and KS1. Spot illness and medical trends of increasing numbers of children being sent home for D and V bugs, helping you to act quickly and remind parents to encourage hygiene practices at home.
Identify which cohorts need to focus on hygiene practices
If a particular year group are prone to illness due to infectious diseases (impetigo or D and V bugs), tailor their PSHE curriculum to focus on hygiene practices. Reminding them to regularly wash their hands throughout the school day. You may see a significant increase in attendance!

Prevent infectious disease outbreaks in your school
Highlight patterns of specific infections
Monitor each recorded infectious disease case easily online. When a child’s infectious disease is recorded using Medical Tracker, the number of incidents can be easily filtered. Helping to prevent further contamination across the school.
Track children who are sent home for diarrhoea and vomiting
D and V bugs can affect whole year groups in a short space of time, especially EYFS and KS1. Spot illness and medical trends of increasing numbers of children being sent home for D and V bugs, helping you to act quickly and remind parents to encourage hygiene practices at home.
Identify which cohorts need to focus on hygiene practices
If a particular year group are prone to illness due to infectious diseases (impetigo or D and V bugs), tailor their PSHE curriculum to focus on hygiene practices. Reminding them to regularly wash their hands throughout the school day. You may see a significant increase in attendance!
Manage infectious diseases in children
Track children with contagious diseases
When a child has been identified as having an infectious disease, there is a set amount of time they should stay off school for. When the incident is recorded in Medical Tracker, the start date of the infection can be pinpointed.
Monitor how long children should be off for with Covid
Although less prominent, outbreaks of Covid in schools is still possible. Medical Tracker is able to track Covid cases, helping to safeguarding vulnerable pupils in the year group who have been in close contact.
Evaluate the number of outbreaks across the school
Do you know when your peak time is across your school year for pupils sent home through illness, even the common cold can deplete your school number on roll significantly. Monitor the whole school picture of illness, and break out the oranges in October-November!
Manage specific infectious diseases in children
Record several drop down infectious diseases
Covid is not the only contagious illness to be aware of in schools. Invasive group strep a (IGAS) causes quite a panic last academic year. Having the drop-down option of several examples of infectious diseases helps to be prepared for any outbreaks.
Track Covid across the school
Having an online Covid tracker for schools is useful for safeguarding vulnerable pupils and staff, with additional precautions possible to be taken to avoid close contact of those affected (as well as siblings and family members).
Pinpoint the starting point for contagious illnesses
Recognising a sibling who has been sent home with chickenpox in year 3 can be useful for risk assessment processes for any siblings in the school. For example, if a year 3 sibling has chickenpox or measles and their year 5 sibling’s teacher is pregnant, this can be proactively discussed for their pregnancy risk assessment.
It helps me with our site manager and look at health and safety improvements. For example, In technology, the bulk of our injuries were eye injuries and it was through not wearing safety goggles. So we were able to locate what health and safety issues are happening in departments.
Judy Wilson
School Nurse, Kennet School
Parents receive instant notifications when incidents or medication administration are recorded. A full communication audit trail is saved. This helps parents feel that their child is well looked after at school- great for Ofsted!
Linda Hopper
Bursar,Bugbrooke Community Primary School
It's a really simple solution to a complex problem. I can't think why no one has come up with it before now. It’s also easy to get support and the system is being developed all the time.