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Medical Tracker Blog

Get tips and advice on using Medical Tracker to monitor medical needs of students and staff.


Accident book

2 min read

Effective Management of Paper Records in line with GDPR

Learn how to effectively manage paper records in compliance with GDPR regulations to protect sensitive information and avoid potential fines.

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3 min read

5 ways to promote health and safety in the classroom

There are many ways to boost safety standards in schools. Using online first aid books is a great example. This technology makes it easier for you to monitor accidents, injuries and near misses across your school, allowing you to identify any dangers and...

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3 min read

What schools need to know about seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

It is normal to miss the summer months and lighter evenings, but when does season preference turn into seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? We explore all you need to know about SAD and how to support your pupils and staff through these winter months.

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1 min read

Medical Tracker Wins Highly Commended at BETT Awards 2024

Celebrating Success: Medical Tracker Wins Highly Commended Award at BETT Awards 2024We are thrilled to announce that Medical Tracker has received the Highly Commended Award for the best leadership and management solution at the prestigious BETT Awards...

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3 min read

Who is responsible for filling in the accident book?

When it comes to children’s health and wellbeing, knowing who is responsible for carrying out various tasks is vital. While it may seem obvious that a first aider should be the one to administer immediate treatment where it’s needed, it’s not always as...

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3 min read

What information should the accident book include?

Whether you have digital incident recording software or a traditional paper accident book, it’s important that you and all responsible members of staff are confident about how to use it. This means knowing when it’s necessary to log an incident in the...

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2 min read

What is an accident book?

Most of us have used or at least seen an accident book at one point or another in our lives, but how much do you know about the role of an accident book in a school setting? Accident books are a key part of health and safety provisions for both staff and...

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2 min read

What Is Electronic Health Records Software?

As technology continues to advance, electronic health records are becoming an increasingly popular tool in a variety of settings. But what is this software exactly, how does it work and what is it used for? In this article, we take a closer look at what...

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2 min read

Five Benefits of Electronic Medical Records vs. Paper Medical Records

Do you look at your school’s paper medical records and feel confident that they are all there and they are 100% accurate?

A lot of people are distrustful of paper records. There are a lot of issues surrounding efficiency, storage and even ensuring DfE...

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