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Medical Tracker Blog

Get tips and advice on using Medical Tracker to monitor medical needs of students and staff.


3 min read

Top often-missed sleep disorder symptoms in students

It’s hard to overstate the importance of regular good sleep for students. Sleep is known to regulate and revitalise many of the body’s functions, ranging from memory and learning to mood. This means that youngsters who don’t get enough rest on an ongoing...

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3 min read

Sleep: the importance of a good night’s rest for children

Not getting enough sleep can have a big impact on children. Even one night of insufficient sleep can cause youngsters to be tired and irritable the next day. But why exactly is getting enough shuteye so vital for children, and how much sleep do they...

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3 min read

What schools need to know about seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

It is normal to miss the summer months and lighter evenings, but when does season preference turn into seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? We explore all you need to know about SAD and how to support your pupils and staff through these winter months.

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1 min read

Medical Tracker Wins Highly Commended at BETT Awards 2024

Celebrating Success: Medical Tracker Wins Highly Commended Award at BETT Awards 2024We are thrilled to announce that Medical Tracker has received the Highly Commended Award for the best leadership and management solution at the prestigious BETT Awards...

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3 min read

How to implement electronic health records

If you’ve never used an electronic health record software before, you might not realise how simple they are to implement. You may think it’ll involve a complicated installation process or that it will be too confusing to be helpful in a real life...

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4 min read

How can parents help a child with ADHD?

Globally, as many as 5% of all children have ADHD, while another 5% are believed to show similar significant difficulties with hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. This second 5% of children typically exhibit symptoms that are just under the...

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2 min read

Health and safety in schools: a checklist for the Autumn term.

The Autumn term can whizz by in a flash. Settling in the new children, staff inductions and new policies to implement. Regularly undertaking a health and safety audit across your school is beneficial. If you are a part of a MAT, undertaking the same H&S...

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3 min read

Who is responsible for filling in the accident book?

When it comes to children’s health and wellbeing, knowing who is responsible for carrying out various tasks is vital. While it may seem obvious that a first aider should be the one to administer immediate treatment where it’s needed, it’s not always as...

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5 min read

What accommodations are available for students with ADHD?

There is a stigma in society that claims that children who have ADHD are disruptive, misbehaving pupils who refuse to play by the rules, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Without getting into all the technical details of neurobiology, it can...

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3 min read

What information should the accident book include?

Whether you have digital incident recording software or a traditional paper accident book, it’s important that you and all responsible members of staff are confident about how to use it. This means knowing when it’s necessary to log an incident in the...

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