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Medical Tracker Blog

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First aid in schools

3 min read

How to safely administer medication in schools 2024

Whether it’s Calpol or long-term medication, it is essential school staff are confident with medical procedures in schools. This blog covers guidelines on medication policies, what to do when you’re on a school trip and administering medication in EYFS.

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3 min read

First aid kits: where should you keep them?

First aid kits are undoubtedly a hugely important health and safety measure in schools. But where should you put these kits, and how many of them do you need?

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3 min read

First aid: treating bumps, bruises and sprains

Even the most safety-conscious school can’t eliminate the risk of students suffering bumps, bruises and sprain injuries. So, when these injuries occur, what is the best way to treat them?

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4 min read

Which primary school classes present common hazards?

As you will be well aware, if you work in a primary school, a lot of effort goes into making these educational environments safe for pupils. Thorough risk assessments are carried out and actions are taken to minimise potential dangers to children and...

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6 min read

6 school hazards that fly under the radar

Schools are places of learning and adventure for pupils, but they should also be safe environments where students feel protected and secure. This is why schools take health and safety extremely seriously.

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3 min read

What information should the accident book include?

Whether you have digital incident recording software or a traditional paper accident book, it’s important that you and all responsible members of staff are confident about how to use it. This means knowing when it’s necessary to log an incident in the...

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3 min read

What does a school nurse do?

When it comes to the healthcare of school-aged children, school nurses have a key role to play. School nurses bridge the gap between school first aiders and qualified medical professionals to support children.Want to learn more about school nurses in the...

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4 min read

12 easy steps to plan fun sports day activities for your school.

School sports day is an important event in the calendar for many children across primary and secondary schools. It is a time for children to discover interests and unknown talents, giving them time to shine outside of the classroom.

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2 min read

How to use technology to reduce teacher workload.

Teachers have a demanding workload, they are responsible for the health, safety and development of the children in their classes. Even small tasks add up and can pose a serious risk to achieving a work-life balance. Recording and reporting first aid...

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